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Meet "Penny"

Lots to Love About Penny!

Penny is a three-year old, spayed female Vizsla born September 7, 2021, bred by a known backyard breeder who was not willing to take her back.  She came into our rehoming program in October 2023.  Her owner failed to disclose the real reason for rehoming her.  We found out after the VSO adopted her out, that she had bitten either the single dad owner or his 9-year old son and the owner continued to deny the bite ever happened.  The bite was minor and didn't warrant a hospital visit.    

Since January 2024, Penny has been fostered by two VSO Board members and during the past 9 months, has NOT bitten nor has she shown any signs of wanting to bite humans.  We now believe the triggering factor was young boys in the household, so we cannot place Penny in a home with kids under the age of 16.  Penny can be dog reactive but the current foster has been working hard to lessen her reaction to dogs.  Penny has been living with a 5-year-old, intact male Vizsla since June 2024 and they get along beautifully.  They love to play and Penny has become much more relaxed around dogs she doesn't know, due to his great temperament. The Foster is certain now that Penny's dog reactivity is mainly triggered by other dogs' aggression. However, she has never bitten or injured another dog under these circumstances. 

Both foster homes have ADORED Penny.  Current foster, "I have really enjoyed having Penny in the house.  She has blossomed tremendously under my care.  If I could, I would love to keep her, but unfortunately my personal circumstances prevent me from doing so.  We've made tons of progress and Penny is a joy to live with!  I will truly miss her!"

Penny LOVES LOVES LOVES to swim & she is very good at it.  She loves to fetch items tossed into the water and she has been taking dock jumping lessons.   Her last lesson is on September 26.  She has high prey drive and has been entered into CKC Sprinter Tests on October 6 and 7th.  She is expected to do very well and should earn a title!  The foster is also working on shaping and teaching her enough behaviours for a trick title.

What we have learned / know about Penny.  

  • Penny is a pretty, loving Vizsla, with a gorgeous coat! 

  • She has lots of energy and can play and run for hours! Swimming and fetching a toy in the water is one her fav activities.  She's a great swimmer and is currently taking dock jumping lessons with her foster.  

  • She is very, very affectionate with people and loves to meet and greet and give kisses.  While she loves children, we cannot place her in a home with young kids under the age of 16.

  • She hasn't had any formal class training.  Her owner taught her a few basic commands with positive methods. The current foster has been successful in getting Penny interested in treats and working on shaping behaviours. Penny is very smart and will benefit from classes  / training using ONLY reward-based methods.  

  • The foster has taught Penny to come on two short blasts of a whistle.  Penny is 99% compliant and races back to get a treat. 

  • Penny is house and crate trained.  At night, she sleeps in a crate with a complete cover over it.  and is very quiet.  She travels in a crate in a car, and when the foster has dinner in the family room, Penny runs inside of another crate set up for her to get a treat while the foster family eats. 

  • While in foster care, she hasn't destroyed any furniture, human belonging, or dog toys.  She loves playing with dog toys, especially ones that squeak, and likes to pull out every single one out of the toy box! More recently, she seems to play with one raggedy old, destuffed 'moose'. 

  • She has just a hint of OCD - obsessive compulsive disorder - evidenced by her immediate notice of light reflections on walls and also serious focus on a toy that she wants thrown or kicked inside the house.  It's important to not let her pursue reflections and not to engage too long in ball throwing (a repetitive behaviour).

  • Penny was spayed around the age of one, before her first heat cycle.  While in initial foster care, it was noticed that she dribbled some urine while snoozing on a couch.  Spay incontinence is common in spayed females, particularly those de-sexed before their first heat.  She was on medication to deal with this issue for a short time; the medication has been discontinued since no evidence of incontinence has been noted recently.  But it's something to be aware of.

  • Penny is on anti-anxiety meds and these MUST be continued. 


The adoption fee is $400. 


  • DOB September 07, 2021

  • 3 years old

  • Female

  • Spayed

  • Weight: 47 lb;  Height: about 20.5"-21" at the withers

  • No white

  • Tail docked and dewclaws removed

More About Penny:
  • Registered with the Cdn Kennel Club

  • Microchipped; vet verified chip is located in her withers

  • Vaccines are up-to-date

  • On heartworm and tick meds

  • House & crate trained

  • Rides well in vehicles

  • Doesn't range too far and responds well to coming back

  • Does like to roll in smells!

  • Can pull when on leash (many Vizslas do!). 

  • Loves playing with the foster's male Vizsla

  • Fears:

    • thunder - this has lessoned greatly at the foster's home; now she may raise her head when she hears thunder but remains relaxed

    • gunshot - hasn't been exposed recently to gunshot but original owner reported this

    • fireworks - reaction similar to thunder

    • loud banging - her tail will go down and she may try to head a different direction to escape the noise; once she is out of range, her tail come back up and she is happy again.

Penny's Ideal Home:
  • Country / rural residence within the Halton, Peel, Waterloo or Wellington Region (no city homes because of increased dog populations due to her dog reactivity); the current foster wants to work closely with the family to ensure a smooth transition

  • Experienced sporting dog owners who have successfully trained dogs (ideally for titles) using positive methods

  • Home that can provide consistent patterns for Penny

  • Owners who are very cognizant and aware of dog body language

  • Will give her lots of exercise, mostly off-leash; she's been getting about 2 hours / day including running and playing outdoors with the foster's Vizsla, and playing indoors as well

  • Will substitute some exercise with mental games and training

  • Home with large yard and/or access to off leash trails / wide open spaces

  • Another well tempered, medium-sized male dog in the house would be wonderful

  • Absolutely NO little dogs in the home

  • Basic obedience classes with other dogs to learn down, stay / wait, gentle leashing walking, etc. 

  • Owners willing to train and engage her in dog sports such as tricks, agility, scent, etc. to engage her mind and possibly earn titles (yes - she is a smart cookie and capable of this in the ideal home).

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